Monday, 16 May 2011

Reflections from a Parent of ASB after the Visit to OYA!

 Sharing a beautiful feedback written by Heather Kingston (parent from American School of Bombay) who visited OYA!

Having just arrived back from our visit to OYA, I wanted to reflect on what I experienced and learned while there. First and foremost I want to thank you, Raheen, for welcoming us into your life and the lives of such special individuals. We really felt comfortable coming back to see you and I know that I, along with the girls, were really excited to come back.

Raheen, I admire that you have become an agent of change by addressing the needs regardless of the uphill battle. I hope that ASB can continue collaborating with your organization to further your success with OYA and spreading the word. I also hope that ASB will continue this relationship by providing the technology, talent or resources to help you educate the public as we discussed. This should  definitely be an area for more brainstorming of ideas.

I know that I personally, would love to keep in touch and help with the growth and development of such a valuable organization.

Ultimately this experience as added to my life and given me more reason to embrace my time in India and find ways to give back.

Thanks so much
Heather Kingston

                    OYA stars teaching dance moves to ASB kids, Divya and Heather.

(Thanks a ton Heather this means a lot - Open Your Arms!)

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Ideal Self Affirmations

Ideal Self Affirmations

* My higher self is showing my best action to take.

* I now invite my higher self to manifest beauty in my life. 

* I use the power of my thoughts to create positive outcomes.

* I move forward in life knowing that I am divinely guided.

* I am whole and perfect just the way I am.

* I love and accept myself just the way I am.

* It is okay to be me.

* I now accept abundance as my birth right.

* The more I let go the easier life becomes. 

* It is okay to me, I am pure love.

 Raheen J 
Founder/Director - Open Your Arms! 
Clinical Psychologist/ Counselor/Therapist

Monday, 2 May 2011

My Experience working with the women in Prostitution

“ We must have the courage to bet on our dreams,
to take the calculated risk and leave behind forever
the internal forces that hold us down.”

This is spirit with which we work at OYA!

Sold either by their own family, by her husband or her beloved, small dark rooms, heightened bed, a mask of make-up, varied colored clothes, pressure and blasts from the madam\pimp, force, injuries, scars from the clients or boyfriend, lack hygiene, lack of proper food, to work the whole night, complete her household chores in the day, lack of freedom, no choice at all………..
This is the real Life of a ‘Prostitute.

Still there is hope, hidden needs, desires and dreams….
Dream to stand for herself,
Dream to educate her children,
Dream to save her daughter from falling into this profession,
Dream to give her children a normal and respectful life,
Dream to one day come out and live life of her own choice,
Dream that she’ll be heard one Day…..

Drawn by one of our 'Star' (girl)

- Raheen J
Founder/Director - Open Your Arms! OYA!
Clinical Psychologist/Counselor/ Therapist.