Wednesday, 7 March 2012


5 days and 14 workshops is how we at OYA remember that week to be about. Muktangan, an organisation that runs 7 English-medium schools for children had OYA over as one of their trainer entities to put together what was one of their intensive teacher-training weeks. We at OYA wished to deliver a workshop on Professional Etiquette for the Muktangan teachers. 26th to 31st December 2011 was when it was to happen and we eagerly waited for the first day.

On the first day there were 4 workshops to be conducted between the 3 of us - Raheen, Roopa and me (Swetha). Nishita and Dhara would conduct sessions the coming days. But we were all there to get a feel of the environment out there the first day. When we got to the place, the sight before us almost took us by surprise. There seemed to hundreds of teachers making their way up and down the place, exchanging morning greetings and probably discussing what they were in for that week. The trainings hadn’t even begun yet, but with the incessant chatter and the place resounding with laughter and brimming with activity, there was a rush of energy in the air and we knew this was going to be no easy business for us!

We hadn’t even smiled our last smiles at each other before the workshops began, that the teachers started pouring into all the assigned rooms, some running in quickly to pick a nice spot to settle down in. We could see that they looked forward to a workshop full of learning, reflecting and growing. We started getting set for the job!

OYA places focus on how Professional Etiquette is not just a matter of the outside, but that of the thinking we do ‘inside’, within us. To start practicing etiquette in our professional lives is actually to start thinking in a certain way – one that involves care, trust and respect, not just for others but for our work and ourselves. This was what our 1 ½ hour workshops were designed around.

We had our sessions planned out. We introduced, discussed, learnt and most importantly, shared several aspects of professional etiquette and its meaning, importance and manifestation in our daily lives. Role-plays that reinforced the learning during the workshop were the most fun, and we believe the teachers enjoyed them the most!

OYA had a hectic 7 days with the enthusiastic Muktangan teachers, but enjoyed every bit of it! We learnt a lot from the interaction and we sure hope they did too. OYA’s looking forward to more work with Muktangan and its teachers to engage in fruitful discussions on various other important topics that are the breath and soul of the multi-dimensional professional called ‘teaching’. As of now though, three cheers to Professional Etiquette 

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